On Wednesday a friend came over and gave a class on soap-making, she also brought all of the supplies. Thank you Laura! Here is a photo of her gathering (she is very organized). Before we started she shared information about soap, such as differences and pros and cons of different methods. I love when someone has figured out to accomplish something without buying special equipment and simplified over complicated directions. The method we used is called:
This stage is called the "pudding stage", very beautiful. |
These are very special soap molds. Can you see the fleur-de-lis impression? I love this pattern! |
Here are the molds with the soft luscious soap. As you can see, salad containers can be recycled into soap molds. This soap is a lard based soap with sweet almond oil. |
This recipe is called Laura's Favorite Soap, has wonderful ingredients such as lemon juice and oatmeal. |
Filling the molds, the soap will continue to go through chemical reactions. The color will change as well. Later, l will have pictures to show this color change! |
The soap will continue to cure for one month before it is ready to use. |
Really a very fine way to express and looking a very pleasant article with full of healthy information. I am definitely going to tell in my class about this platform and the information shared here. Very well written.
Thanks Laura for his soap help. :D